ITEM 1: Poem
An ordinary friend has never seen you cry.
A true friend has had a wet shoulder from your tears.
An ordinary friend does not know your parents' first names.
A true friend probably has their phone number written down as well.
An ordinary friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.
A true friend shows up early to help you prepare... and stays late to help clean up.
An ordinary friend gets upset when you call late.
A true friend asks why you weren't able to call earlier.
An ordinary friend likes to listen to your problems.
A true friend likes to help you solve them.
An ordinary friend behaves like a guest and waits to be served when he or she visits.
A true friend goes to the fridge and serves himself.
An ordinary friend thinks your friendship is over after a quarrel.
A true friend knows that friendships get stronger after a quarrel.
An ordinary friend always expects you to be there to help out.
A true friend is always there to help you out.
A true friend?
Someone who sticks with you when everyone else abandons you.
- Repetition: An ordinary friend .... - A true
friend ...
- Rhetorical question: A true friend?
- Simile: An ordinary friend behaves like a guest...
A true friend is very important and valuable
for everyone as a true friend will never
ever leave you no matter what happens, believe in you even though you no longer
believe in yourself.
ITEM 2: Story
Gold is the most precious metal in the world because it is also one
of the rarest. But you can't find pure
gold simply by bending over and picking
up a little shining nugget, hidden away
like an Easter egg in the grass. Gold is there, it exists, the earth produces it without effort, but it's up to man to dig it out and reveal its beauty. How?
Through the test of fire. To get rid of
gold's natural impurities, they are
burned away. The calcified material that
remains is purged of its imperfections.
same applies to diamonds. Did you know
that it takes 250 tons of minerals to
obtain a 1 carat diamond! And here again,
once removed from the earth, every
diamond has to be polished and cut...
So although nature does contain its
treasures, it is up to man to work with the raw elements and from them fashion beauty.
Rhetorical devices:
- Metaphor: Pure
gold, Diamond (good qualities and success of
human); Fire (adversity, trouble, difficulty)
- Antithesis:
pure - impurities
- Rhetorical
question: How?
It is the
efforts of people to overcome difficulties in the life that help to improve
their good qualities and to be successful by themselves.
- Metonymy: The
doll (students, pupils); Books (knowledge); Hand (teachers and educational
- Overstatement:
the variety of books in the head of the doll
Nowadays, pupils and students have to receive
so much knowledge that they cannot put up with their studying.
1. Subscribed mails from www.club-positif.com
2. http://mrsolszowy.pbworks.com/w/page/21803898/The%20Lighter%20Side%20of%20Teaching%3A%20%20Educational%20HUMOUR
I want to share one thing about your entry. In my opinion, the rhetorical device of the picture is metaphor, not metonymy. As you can see, the author compared the doll of which head filled by books with students today.
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