Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2013

Entry1_Đỗ Thùy Dương

Item 1

The Fox and the Grapes
Once upon a time there was a fox strolling through the woods.
He came upon a grape orchard.  There he found a bunch of
beautiful grapes hanging from a high branch.

"Boy those sure would be tasty," he thought to himself.
He backed up and took a running start, and jumped.
He did not get high enough.

He went back to his starting spot and tried again.
He almost got high enough this time, but not quite.

He tried and tried, again and again, but just couldn't get high
enough to grab the grapes.

Finally, he gave up.

As he walked away, he put his nose in the air and said:
"I am sure those grapes are sour."

·         Rhetorical device

  • Metaphor: the fox – the human; the grapes – the goals the human wants to reach
  • Personification: a fox typifying a certain type of people who easily gives in to the situation without trying hard
  •  Irony: Obviously, the grapes are ripe and sweet enough but the fox supposes they are still sour.

·         Analysis
"The Fox and the Grapes" is one of the traditional Aesop's fables. The moral lesson held in the story is to illustrate the concept of cognitive dissonance (the feeling of discomfort when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions: ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions). When the fox fails to reach the grapes, he decides he does not want them after all. Sometimes when we cannot get that what we want, we pretend that it is not worth having. It has the same meaning with an old proverb “a bad workman always quarrels with his tools”.

·         Source of text:

Item 2


·         Rhetorical devices

  • Metaphor

·         Analysis
“Human beings are posing a threat to Mother Nature”. As seen in the picture, a huge hunched figure representing human beings as a whole is on his way chasing the clutter of wild animals down to the edge of a cliff – or closer to the extinction. The metaphoric idea underlying is apparently comprehensible to anyone.  This meaningful artwork is like a wakeup call to anyone viewing themselves as a part of nature, urging everyone to seek out solutions of what should be done to stop the devastating hunger that wipes out every single creature on earth. A pint-sized archer is trying to aim hopeless arrow shots at the out-of-control human monster in order to stop his rampageous feeding.  

·         Source of image  Submedia

Item 3

Your love is like a burning candle
Left out in the wistful wind
Its torturous flame I cannot handle
Your love is like a burning candle
Why do I allow myself to be stuck in this scandal?
Telling me lies- you have me pinned
Your love is like a burning candle
Left out in the wistful wind

·         Rhetorical devices

  • Metaphor: love – burning candle;
  • Repetition: Your love is like a burning candle/ Left out in the wistful wind (twice)
  • Terminal thyme: candle – handle; candle – scandal; lies – pinned
·         Analysis
The comparison between love and the burning candle reveals the vulnerability of love, as well as the desired romance that is supposed to turn ablaze like a flick of candlelight. People allow themselves to believe in lies, being fooled in love.

·         Source of text

4 nhận xét:

  1. About the poem, i think the rhetorical device used is simile in stead of metaphor, the term "is like" has shown that. Moreover, the author also uses rhetorical question: "Why do I allow myself to be stuck in this scandal?"
    And i love the message of this poem :D

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  2. All of your items are very interesting. The rhetorical devices are indicated clearly in each item. However, I have a small comment for your entry to be better: The message in each item should be rewritten clearly in one or two sentences for short rather than in a form of analysis, so it is easy for the lecturer to identify.

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  3. There are two things I'm personally impressed by your entry.

    Firstly, your writing style is very, how to say, British Your wide range of vocabulary is expressed smartly by layering word by word to make the sentences short but conveyable. To illustrate, you say "The metaphoric idea underlying is apparently comprehensible to anyone", rather than "It is easy for everyone to understand the inner message". Obviously, more complex structures are highly appreciated in university level. However, just like typical British literature, you tend to use too many academic words in one sentence, making your piece "crowded" and confused to the readers; and as Tai said, the message can not be outstanding enough to be identified easily. Still, comprehensibility is the first consideration when it comes to writing, isn't it?

    Secondly, item 2 is a bomb! Environmental issue never stops being hot. The picture you use almost transfers the whole situation that mankind has to face with: the cause, the effect, the hopeless stage of protection ( how can you notice such a tiny archer :)) ). Besides,I think there is more to say about the consequence. Inferring from the picture, while human being is putting earth creatures into the risk of extinction, he is doing the same thing to himself too! It's not hard to see that the destruction edge is right in front of the uncontrolled monster human who still keeps rampageously walking to satisfy his hunger. In short, I think the overall message should be "Human beings are posing a threat to human beings themselves".

    Hope this help.

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